My Friend Always and Forever

You are my friend Always and Forever
The True meaning of always and forever

An angel sent from above,
Love lifting my spirits up,
Warning me of what could be ahead,
Always by my side,
Yong but wise,
Showing me the way.

Allowing me the freedom to talk in confidence,
Now and forever,
Drying my tears that I do cry.

Falling in love for the first and the last time,
Owning my heart as well as your own,
Romance would help me to carry on,
Everyday every night and always,
Victorious over all those who hate me,
Energising me with your healing love,
Raising my spirits above all the rest.

Since you have been guiding me and watching over me,
I will always love you and cherish you
now and forever
always and forever.

by Maria Culley

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